De Lijn sees benefits in CMMN.
Problem statement at De Lijn
De Lijn has already used BPMN for Business Process Management and was curious about the flexibility that CMMN (Case Management Model & Notation) could offer.
BPMN is ideal for modeling processes and activities where most of the data is known in advance and there is little variation in the workflows. In contrast, CMMN is better suited for processes where the next task/activity depends on which previous tasks have been undertaken and where new information can be introduced during the process. The flexibility of CMMN allows activities not to follow a fixed pattern and enables knowledge workers to respond to additional important data during the process.
The solution
To assess the potential applications & benefits of adaptive case management, De Lijn selected one specific case. Around this case, we organised an intensive workshop with a select group of knowledge workers from De Lijn and our experts in Adaptive Case Management.
The result
Instead of just thinking theoretically about CMMN, De Lijn has gained insights into how to optimise real processes. The experts from Adaptive Case Management were very well prepared, enabling De Lijn to get the most out of the workshop. De Lijn now has a better understanding of adaptive case management (ACM) and the many potential applications.
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